After the day that was Vimy we are off to Paris for the last couple of days of our world tour. Sitting here at my computer, missing my own family, I take consolation in the fact that I live in a wonderful place. The kids have been a part of a transformation that in their character that they will never forget and have come through with flying colors. They have met the emotions that were presented to them head on and are willing and more importantly able to carry the torch of remembrance forward for the next generation of Canadians.
It is very rewarding as a teacher, when we get to see the kids perform like they have in this capacity....this is why I teach.....I am often asked how do you teach the kids these days....I often remark that it is easy, it’s the adults I often have trouble with....these guys are what keeps me teaching, and it’s these types of activities that keep me going. Don’t get me wrong, I feel awful that I am away from my class responsibilities, but I feel very strongly that these opportunities need to take place in order to secure the future of our community.
I also have to admit that the batteries have been running low....Brian Mackay happy 19th birthday!!! I promised Katie yesterday and that fell through (she doesn’t know that but I needed to be honest) and also happy birthday to Peter Stavert....Nathan made sure that I made it happen!! I am not happy with my blogging this time...I think it may be harder because we have so many kids and I try to spend as much time with every kid as I possibly can...some are more talkative than others and some really keep to themselves but the group are always as one and I can assure you of that....proud proud and even more proud! So to those of you looking for updates on your kids everything is going well.....and before the end of the trip there will be a personal update on each and every one!!! That is a promise...
I have arrived an hour earlier than the rest of the group, due to the fact that I travelled with the other bus and I am ok to do that because I am happy that they are all together. After the kids arrive in the city we head into the city of pick up our tour guide. We are getting your typical tour of city. When you are from Summerside or any city on PEI or maybe even Canada, because of our young age, I think it may be downright criminal for anyone to see there is a typical city tour of Paris. I love London and Amsterdam and Rome, but I have to admit that they don’t compare to Paris as far as full city architecture...simply amazing! The kids are excited to be getting to sites like the Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral and the Eiffel thing. Just found out that little thing in the middle of the city has its own official color.....Eiffel Tower brown and it takes 52,000 gallons of paint to paint it every 3 years I believe!! More learning...may even be helpful for a Reach for the Top session at TOSH!!!
The subway system here is a much more hurried and rushed affair than it is in London...the good thing is with so many chaperones and a tour director, David Harrod, who is always on the ball it works out fine all the time. We had only 1 stay behind issue, someone or multiple someones who didn’t make a train. The only time was a connection heading to supper as Margie and Speed Racer(aka Luke Thompson) didn’t get was just like in hockey, sometimes there are size and speed issues that hold people back....Margie and her size would have prevented her from pushing her way on and Luke’s speed!! HAHA they were good sports and luckily no one panicked as Forrest and David simply jumped off the cars and stayed with them.

From this vantage point we were able to see across the city and get a chance to see how big it is...Long days and they are still going strong...its back to the hotel which will take about 45 minutes by subway and then off to bed to get ready for our last full touring day of the trip. Tomorrow’s blog will be more focused on the entirety of the trip and I will be doing a full report on everyone. Wednesday is a day to visit the Louvre, walk up the Champs D’Elysees, take a cruise on the River Seine and we may even squeeze in a walk up the Eiffel Tower....aaaahhhh the life in Paris say exquisite.
PS Forgot to mention the purchase of the day was the traditional beret...Lilly and I had ours purchased for us and were forced to wear them around a good look on me, but Lilly looks like a natural especially when he has the rose between his tomorrow...
PSS Max and Mya...Dad will be home you and miss you both!!
PSSS I have given up on talking about the rain!!! WE are tougher than that!!!
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